Saturday 10 January 2015

The Incredible Benefits of a "Get Better" Mindset

In this talk, researcher Heidi Grant Halvorson explores the mindsets needed to ensure personal growth. Mainly we should avoid a “Be Good” mindset — one where we are constantly attempting to prove our superiority to the world. Instead, we should embrace a “Get Better” mindset — where we always perceive ourselves as having more to learn. When we embrace a Get Better mindset, we embrace risk and are less afraid of failure, which is key to personal development

About Heidi Grant Halvorson
Heidi Grant Halvorson is the Associate Director of Columbia University’s Motivation Science Center, and a popular blogger for HBR, Fast Company, Huffington Post, Forbes, WSJ, and 99U. As a researcher, she studies goal pursuit, the obstacles that derail us, and the strategies we can use to overcome them.

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